

永恒的爱财富管家团队专注于提供真正的一站式遗产规划服务,包括遗嘱撰写、 信托、资产保障、生命规划和投资。

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Malaysia Will & Trust



马来西亚遗嘱信托咨询 Malaysia Will & Trust : 马来西亚一站式遗产规划与投资理财知识型网站-永恒的爱财富管家团队专注于提供真正的一站式遗产规划服务,包括遗嘱撰写、信托、资产保障、生命规划和投资。 用知识与法律,做到完整与有法律效用的财富规划。 我们真正了解到没有一个方案适合所有人,因此,我们会根据你的情况和需求为你打造一个专属你的投资方案,配搭资产配置,达到最适合你的财富规划。 只需要你几分钟来做个财富规划,就可以把你毕生的努力传承给你的挚爱。这个举动正播下爱的种子而成为【永恒的爱】。

我们积极于建立广大民众意识到拥有一个完整和全面的遗产规划的重要性。由于缺乏这方面的知识,多年来马来西亚公民所做的“贡献”,迄今已积累了约800亿的无人认领资产,这现象无疑是令人担忧的。 许多人只知道最基本的遗产规划仅限于遗嘱撰写,但他们却很少知道,实际上遗产规划远远不止这些。 立遗嘱还有一个好处,就是可以节省房地产转让的印花税。转让房地产无论是MOT或者DOA都需要缴付印花税。 若没有立遗嘱,应缴付多少的印花税 (Stamp Duty)?你可以利用我们的计算器计算。


我们致力于为全马来西亚的客户提供专业和友好的遗产咨询服务。 通过拥有我们的第一个也是唯一一个由专业律师团队专门设计的线上遗嘱撰写系统,我们能够在60分钟内完成一份专业遗嘱撰写。

据统计,90% 的人在继承遗产不到 3 年,就已经把所有遗产花光。想象一下,如果你家里有这样的成员:挥霍无度、乱赌成性、身患残疾、无法自理;又或者,你们的关系不受法律承认,那么你要怎么样做,才能有效保障他们的生活?我们可以提供你一个有效的方案,更可以让你富过三代。

更多的遗产规划与遗嘱相关问题,点击FAQ获得你想知道的答案。 任何问题可以联系我们或者直接WHATSAPP我们。


About Us

Our Forever Love Advisor Team focuses on providing real one-stop estate planning services, including will writing, trust, asset preservation, life planning, and investment. We adopt professional knowledge and law to achieve complete and legally effective wealth planning.

We really understand that no one solution is suitable for everyone. Therefore, we will create an exclusive investment tool for you according to your situation and needs, match the asset allocation, to achieve the most suitable wealth planning for you.

Based on our survey and studies on the current market, statistics show that over 90% of the citizens of Malaysia are eligible but did not take any positive actions to make planning for their lives. Thus, this leads to various kinds of issues when one passes on in the future. We see the need to cater to the society in these areas and to also stand in to fill the gaps of the current market.

Digital technology-online system and platform As of how advanced the world is today, we realized that it is important to keep up with digital technology because everything revolves and depends on it. Hence, we built our company's online system and platform to run these services in a digital-friendly manner so that they can be easily accessed anywhere and anytime. Besides, we also provide training and educational program related to our services to society at large and also to business partners who share the same interest, visions, and goals in providing similar services.

Today, we work hand in hand with various professional companies in Malaysia to provide complete and cost-effective solutions to our clients based on their profiles and objectives individually.  It only takes you a few minutes to act on wealth planning, and you can pass on your wealth to your loved ones. As a result, this action brings the meaning of Forever Love.

TRULY one-stop legacy advisory services Forever Love Advisor is an emerging brand in the legacy advisory industry which specialises in providing TRULY one-stop legacy advisory services, ie will writing, trust, asset preservation, life planning, and Investment.

Our Business Partner, THEWILL owned by Lee & Partners Legacy Advisory Sdn. Bhd. is the FIRST and ONLY Online Will System in Malaysia  designed by a Team of Professional Lawyers. We also backed up and supported by a Law Firm. In 2 years' time, we have successfully recruited, trained, and produced approximately 2,500 legacy advisors who are dedicated to providing professional and friendly legacy advisory services to our clients throughout Malaysia.

FIRST AND ONLY online will writing system By having the FIRST AND ONLY online will writing system specially designed by a team of professional lawyers, we are capable of completing a professional will in less than 60 min.

Our Services:

Will Writing
Asset Preservation
Business Succession
Life Planning

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